Main Reference
- Good balance of theory and practice
- Covers almost all topics; Will be added more references, as adequate
- Online book
Author CS
Date March
Lecture 0: Introduction
Prof. Claudia Soares
By the end of this course, you will have acquired a solid and detailed understanding of the field of deep learning.
You will have learned how to design deep neural networks for a wide range of advanced probabilistic inference tasks and how to train them.
These models seen in the course apply to a wide variety of artificial intelligence problems, with plenty of applications in engineering and science.
.italic[How do you do that?]
class: middle
.center[ .width-70[]
Sheepdog or mop? ]
.footnote[Credits: Karen Zack, 2016.]
class: middle
.center[ .width-70[]
Chihuahua or muffin? ]
.footnote[Credits: Karen Zack. 2016.]
class: middle
The (human) brain is so good at interpreting visual information that the gap between raw data and its semantic interpretation is difficult to assess intuitively:
This is a mushroom. ]
class: middle, center
This is a mushroom.
class: middle, center
.width-30[] +
] +
This is a mushroom.
class: middle, center
This is a mushroom.
class: middle, center
Writing a computer program that sees?
class: middle
count: false class: black-slide
count: false class: black-slide, middle
count: false class: black-slide, middle
class: middle
Extracting semantic information requires models of high complexity, which cannot be designed by hand.
However, one can write a program that learns the task of extracting semantic information.
class: middle, black-slide
The common approach used in practice consists of: - defining a parametric model with high capacity, - optimizing its parameters, by “making it work” on the training data.
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class: middle, black-slide
.center[ ]
class: middle
class: middle, center, black-slide
Object detection, pose estimation, segmentation (2019)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Reinforcement learning (Mnih et al, 2014)
exclude: true class: middle, center, black-slide
Strategy games (Deepmind, 2016-2018)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Autonomous cars (NVIDIA, 2016)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Autonomous cars (Waymo, 2022)
exclude: true class: middle, black-slide
Physics simulation (Sanchez-Gonzalez et al, 2020)
class: middle, black-slide, center
AI for Science (Deepmind, AlphaFold, 2020)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Speech synthesis and question answering (Google, 2018)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Image generation and AI art (OpenAI, 2022)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Write computer code (OpenAI, 2021)
class: middle, center, black-slide
Answer all your questions (OpenAI, 2022)
exclude: true class: middle, center, black-slide
Dali Lives (2019)
class: middle, center
.italic[“ACM named .bold[Yoshua Bengio], .bold[Geoffrey Hinton], and .bold[Yann LeCun] recipients of the .bold[2018 ACM A.M. Turing Award] for conceptual and engineering breakthroughs that have made deep neural networks a critical component of computing.”]
.center.grid[ .kol-1-2[ Algorithms (old and new)
.center.kol-1-2[ More data
.center.grid[ .kol-1-2[ Software
.width-90[]] .kol-1-2[ Faster compute
The success of deep learning is multi-factorial…
class: middle
Five decades of research in machine learning provided - a taxonomy of ML concepts (classification, generative models, clustering, kernels, linear embeddings, etc.), - a sound statistical formalization (Bayesian estimation, PAC), - a clear picture of fundamental issues (bias/variance dilemma, VC dimension, generalization bounds, etc.), - a good understanding of optimization issues, - efficient large-scale algorithms.
.footnote[Credits: Francois Fleuret, EE559 Deep Learning, EPFL.]
class: middle
From a practical perspective, deep learning - lessens the need for a deep mathematical grasp, - makes the design of large learning architectures a system/software development task, - allows to leverage modern hardware (clusters of GPUs), - does not plateau when using more data, - makes large trained networks a commodity.
.footnote[Credits: Francois Fleuret, EE559 Deep Learning, EPFL.]
class: middle[]
.italic[For the last forty years we have programmed computers; for the next forty years we will train them.]
.pull-right[Chris Bishop, 2020.]
class: end-slide, center count: false
The end.